It is in honour for me to be here today at the ministry of health to witness a cordial cooperation among WHO,the MoH of the Thailand and MoH of Timor-Leste.
Let me begin with an implementation of the community base mental Health project which was established in Aileu district as a pilot project where there was been a great rate of success. Therefore,the MoH of T-L is looking for supply of the carbamazepine medicine which is a vital element in order to expand the project to other districts.
In response to this demand, the MoH of Thailand has donated the medicine which will last for one year,and it will be sufficient,at this stafe,for expansion of the Community Base Mental Health Project in other districts. I am pleased to inform you that Thailand is willing to explore furher possibility to continue supplying the medicine to MoH of T-L in the future.
Ladies and gentlemen, other than the aforementioned project, Thailand has extended an Official Development Assistance to T-L through MOU on Economic and Technical Cooperation signed between the two governments in 2003 which includes the health sector. Thailand is ready to provide the capacity building program for the staff of MoH of T-L by providing many short training courses in public health. This year Thailand provide 5 courses namely Competency Development for Laboratory, Health Information System, Communicable Disease Control focus on HIV/AIDS and TB, Maternal and Child Health, and Nutrition and Food Safety.
In addition, I wish to share with you about a success story of Thailand in implementing public health security system for the poor to have an access to treatment for all illnesses by paying just 30 Bahts (or 1 USD). The system is praised by Dr. Maureen Birmingham, WHO representative to Thailand the it should be a model of success for countries looking forward to establishing such system for their people. Moreover, Rockefeller Foundation supports Thailand to be a knowledge center for public health security system under “Capacity Building to Support the Movements in Achieving Universal Health Coverage Project “, starting from 1 December 2011 to 30 November 2014.
Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to see a collaboration among WHO, the MoH of T-L and the MoH of Thailand in further strengthening public health projects in T-L, and I would like to persuade MoH of TL to explore a possibility to learn about the public health security system of Thailand. Please rest assured that assured that the Royal Thai Embassy will support and collaborate with WHO and MoH of TL with our best capacity.
My I reaffirm that Thailand will be continually support HRD to T-L especially in the public health field by providing fellowships for training not only for the sake of Timorese people, but also to make T-L ready to join ASEAN membership in the near future.