Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Launching of, Haforsa Distritu iha Implementasaun Atividade Kuidadus Saude Primaria (HADIAK)

Gabinetedo Ministro

Speech by H.E. Dr. Nelson Martins, Minister of Health
Launching of “Haforsa Distritu iha Implementasaun Atividade Kuidadus Saude Primaria (HADIAK)
Distinguished Guests,
Representatives of UN Agencies supporting the Health Sector
Representatives of USAID, AusAID and other Bilateral Organisations
Representatives of National and International NGOS
Staff of the Ministry of Health
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good Morning to you all
It is with great satisfaction that we gather here today, once again, to join forces towards the implementation of an important health initiative which I strongly believe will help improve the lives of many Timorese people, and which is linked to the Revitalization of Primary Health Care System in Timor-Leste.
I am very pleased to learn that, after almost three years promoting the idea of an integrated community health services in Timor-Leste, our development partners are finally joining the Ministry of Health in creating the conditions for a full implementation of SISCa.
As part of their package of assistance to our Government, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Australian International Development Agency (AusAID) agreed to support the Ministry of Health to “HaforsaDistrituihaImplementasaunActividadeKuidadusSaúdePrimária”.
HADIAK is intended to strengthen leadership and management capacity of the district health services in order to fully perform their tasks of improving the health status of the people living in their geographic catchment areas.
The Ministry of Health is grateful for such a collaborative initiative and I am committed to ensure focus on the main goals of this new project is achieved over the next four years.
Although the project main areas of interventions are directed towards the achievement of MDG 4 and MDG 5, an integrated approach to improving community health is paramount.
Technical Interventions on safe motherhood, neonatal, infant and child health, family planning and related maternal and infant nutrition, could only succeed if complemented by appropriate support services such as human resources, infrastructure, financial resources and strong management system.
These are the components of the National Health Strategic Plan 2011-2030 and, thus, partnership coordination and collaboration throughout its implementation stages is imperative.
HADIAK will be first piloted in Five Districts, Baucau, Ermera, Manatuto, Oecusse and Viqueque. I challenge all partners to also assist the MoH strengthen the remaining district health services in order to avoid unequal delivery of basic services to the population.
The challenges ahead are enormous for the sector, particularly as we accommodate the new medical graduates who will important driving forces in the revitalization of primary health care in Timor-Leste.
Let’s all work together for the successful implementation of HADIAK.

Thank you all very much for your attention.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Inkontru Ministru Saúde Ho Embasador Cuba

Inkontru ne’ebé halao durante Oras ida ho balun iha salaun ministeriu Saúde ne’e hetan partisipasaun masimu husi staff Embasada Cuba, Kordenador Geral Medikus Kubanu iha Timor Leste, Media no sel-seluktan.

Embasador Cuba iha ninia intervensaun hateten, koperasaun entre Governu rua (Cuba ho Timor Leste) lao diak no kapas teb-tebes,” hau mai iha Timor Leste atu kontinua haforsa no hadi’a diak liutan koperasaun ne’e ba oin, Tenik nia”. Agradese mos tamba sr Ministru bele haraik tempu ida ne’e baa mi hodi espresa Ami nia hanoin.
Iha okaziaun ne’e embasador imforma situasaun estudantes no kondisaun atual ne’ebé agora dadaun brigade medikus Cubano sira imfrenta iha terenu neba mak hanesan; prepara kondisaun diak ba estudante sira ne’ebé agora dadaun finalize ona sira nia estudus, Rekursus materiais ba brigade medikus cubanos ne’ebé hetan difikulidade iha Ospital Baucau no susar ba sira atu halo sira nia aktividade normal, loron hirak liuba grupu deskunhesidu tuda uma dra. Cubana nian iha Lospalos no insulta ho liafuan aat, Eletrisidade ba uma dotor cubanu sira iha Ospital Suai fo de’it Oras tolu lor-loron na realidade fatin seluk lakan 24 Oras nune’e estraga hahan no ekipamentus elektronikus balun.
Embassador ne’e mos realsa liutan katak; Dezembru tinan ne’e Governu Cuba sei apoiu taan Governu Timor Leste liu husi ninia knar nain Saúde sanulu resin rua ne’ebé sei mai taan haforsa sistema servisu iha Timor Leste.
Hafoin rona tiha difikulidades no esplikasaun badak Naruk husi Embasador Cuba ba Timor Leste, Ministru Saúde IV Governu Konstitusional iha ninia intervensaun hateten; konaba kontratu ba Medikus foun sira agora dadaun iha hela prosesu laran, uluk Ministeriu mak halo duni kontratu diretamente ba profesionais Saúde sira maibe agora dadaun sistema muda. Sira sei servisu hanesan funsionariu Publiku tamba ne’e sira sei tama iha Funsaun Publika nia okos mak kuandu sira assina ona sira nia kontratu mak ministeriu gere fali tau iha fatin sira ne’ebé sai hanesan prioridade. “Sistema mak hanesan ne’e ona no hau rasik apelu tiha ona ba Direktor Rekursus Umanus iha Altura Juramentu Hipoktratiku, nightingale iha salaun CNE 19 Novembru 2011 liuba.
Professora Doutor husi universidade Sydney Medical School ne’e mos akresenta katak , nia koalia tiha ona ho dekanu fakulidade ciensia Saúde UNTL Dr. Joao Martin atu prepara lalais memorandum ida hodi Medikus sir abele tuir mediku Geral Integradu.
Situasaun mak hanesan ne’e ona agora dadaun  Ministeriu Saúde hasoru problema oi-oin, maibe Ministeriu sempre koko atu servisu diak liutan iha future. Agora dadaun ministeriu Saúde hetan iha ona osan liu-liu ba OGE 2012 fiar katak sei meilhora servisu diak liutan iha loron aban. Konaba seguransa ba Dotores Cubano sira ne’ebé la duun seguru sei buka meus atu koalia diretamente ho Sekretaria Estadu seguransa konaba assuntu ne’e.
Hafoin remata Professor Dr. Nelson Martins, MD,MHM,PhD entrega Livru sintifiku ho lian tetum “Revitalizasaun Kuidadu Saúde Primaria iha Timor Leste” hanesan lembransa. MOH

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ministeriu saude Marka Istoria Foun

Eis Vice Ministru saude,  Ministru edukasaun Dr. Joao Cansio Freitas reprejenta Vice Primeru Minisru IV Governu Konstitusional. Korpus Diplomatikus, Estruturas UNTL, Ministeriu saude, inan Aman no sel-seluktan.
Prof. Dr. Nelson Martins iha ninia diskursu hateten ohin loron hanesan orgulhu boot ida ba ita hotu no loron ida ne’e especial tebes ba ministeriu saude tamba. Ohin ministeriu saude marka taan istoria foun no boot mak Ministeriu saude halo taan graduasaun ba estudantes 
Parteiras, No imfermeirus ne’ebé hanesan primeira ves iha timor leste.

Universidade Nasional Timor Loro Sa’e UNTL servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu saude halo ona graduasaun datoluk mak primeiru halo graduasaun ba estudante nain sanulu resin walu (18), segundu na’in walu ne’ebé mak iha ambitu koperasaun ho Governu cuba no halo estagiu final iha Timor Loro sa’e. graduasaun ba datoluk hala’o husi eskola superior medisina no imfermeiru no parteiras sai hanesan produtu rai laran ne’ebé signifika katak ita timor oan mak sai duni mestri ba ita maluk no hanesan servidor ba ita nia nasaun rasik.

Juramentu Hipokratiku ba estudante Medisina nain lima nulu resin haat (54) lisensiatura Mediku Geral Baziku, no juramentu Florence Nightingale ba estudante tolu nulu resin ne’en (36) basarelato Infarmazen no tolu nulu resin hitu (37) basarelato Parteiras. Hamutuk atus ida rua nulu resin hitu (127) Profesionais saude foun ne’ebé pronto ona halo servisu iha kualker tempu ne’ebé Governu presija.

Ida ne’e hanesan orgulhu boot ida atu ita hotu, Governu no Estadu direitu Demokratiku ida ne’e. esforsu boot ne’ebé  nai ulun sira husi I Governu Konstitusional to ohin loron hala’o ohin ita hare duni ninia rejultadu ne’ebé diak mesmu atravesa difikulidades dezafius ne’ebé barak no boot tebes.

Entretantu Reitor UNTL iha ninia Diskursu hateten, Ohin universidade husik ona ninia estudante sira fila fali ba sociadade no odamatan Universidade sei la taka ba se ne’e. Ne’ebé iha bontade hakarak kontinua atu hasai ninia Majestradu no doutoramentu.

Prof. Aurelio hatutan dezafiu iha akademiku imi liu tiha ona buat barak maibe agora dezafiu foun ne’ebé imi sei imfrenta mak oinsa imi moris hamutuk ho ita nia sociadade.

Apelu Prof. Dr. Nelson Martins, MD,MHM,PhD Ministru saude.

DNRH (Direkasaun Nasional Rekursus Umanus) Ministeriu da saude RDTL, Prepara lalais ona dokumentu kontrato  foun ba Doutores, Imfermeiru no Parteiras foun sira nebe graduadu atu sira kontinua sira nia knar hanesan knar nain saude atu bele servi rai doben ida nee. MOH

Loron Mundial Sintina Iha Timor Leste

TematikaTinan LMS Tinan 2011

“Mai Hatoman Aan UzaSentina Ijieniku”

Dili, 18 Novembru 2011. Asesu  ba saneamentu basiku sei menus liu iha Timor-Leste, kobertura hasa’e 16% de’it iha tempu tinan 10 (WHO-Unicef JMP).

Durante 2002-07, populasaun rurais amenta liu amenta fornese amentu saneamentu – estabelese liu 7,000 uma kain tinan-tinan maibe hari’I de’it sintina 5,000 iha fatin rurais . Maske maioria povu Timor-Leste hela iha fatin rurais, Husi esperensia barak nian ita hatene katak fatin rurais no urbano maka iha kontaminasaun barak husi fo’er bo’ot, be’e fo’er, no lixu.  Entoun, politika no programa governu tenke inclui saneamentu ba fa tinurba  no rurais hotu no saneamentu inklui fo’er boot, be’e fo’er, lixu, no hahalok ijene.
Oras ne’e sei iha nesesidade atu hadia saneamentu iha populasi hodi atinji ba Meta Dezinvolvimentu Millenniumnian (MDG) no PlanuDezinvolvimentu Nasional (PDN):55% kobertura saneamentu rural iha tinan 2015 (80% PDN)80% kobertura saneamentu urban iha tinan 2015 (100% PDN)
Moras ISPA no diarea mak kazu labarik no bebe nia mortalidade aas liu iha Timor-Leste nebe’e iha ligasaun forte ho saneamentu no ijiene la di’ak. Husi kazu diarea de’it iha Timor-Leste loron-loron labarik nian 3 maka mate.
Loron mundial sentina mak monu tinan-tinan iha dia 19 Novembru hanesan momentu importante no di’ak ida atu fo hanoin ba populasaun hotu, Ministériu no Governu atu hasa’e komitmentu atu garante familia hotu iha aldeia hot-hotu bele iha sentina.Iha loron importante ne’e parte hot-hotu asina komitmentu atu atinje estatus ALFA (Area La Soe Fo’er Arbiru)  ba aldeia hotu iha Timor Leste. Lider naturais ba ALFA hanesan representante husi suco maka hetan estatus ALFA tiha ona mos fo motivasaun ba chefe suco sira hotu iha Timor atu atijintu estatus ALFA ne’e. Sei ami nia suco bele, tamba sa suco seluk la bele?
Timor Leste foti vizaun Loron Mundial Sintina hanesan TAIS. TAIS hanesan hena uniku husi ema Timor Leste. Ho TAIS, Ministériu de Saúde no Ministériu relevante hanesan MdI (DNSAS) no parseiru hotu iha Timor Leste atu tau importante knar kultura atu atinji Timor Leste la soe fo’er arbiru. TAIS iha visaun ne’e mos signifika Timor Ami hotu Iha Sintina.
Sintina de’it sedauk to’o atu fo benifisiu ba Saúde. Ema hotu, katuas ferik, inan aman, labarik mane, feto, tenki uja. Tamba ne’e celebrasaun tinan 2011 foti tematika“Mai Hatoman Aan Uza Sintina Ijieniku”.
Iha loron celebrasaun sentina ne’e Ministériu da Saúde mos kontenti atu halo lansamentu ba filme maka bele uza halo promosaun uza sentina. Filme ho titulu “Zeta niaDomin” ne’e produz husi Ministériu Saúde ho supporta husi Australian AID liu husi programa BESIK.
MdS no MdI hato’o obrigado wain ba organizasaun tuir mai ne’e ba sira nia kontribusaun no servisu makas atu hala’o aktividade ne’e hetan suksesu: Australian AID liu husi programa BESIK, Unicef, Plan International, Child Fund, Oxfam, Water Aid, World Vision, AFMET, fakuldade Saúde publiku husi UNDIL, UNPAZ no UNTL.

Returned from a 10 days trip to Brazil and Portugal”


“Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Nelson Martins,MD,MHM,PhD

Returned from a 10 days trip to Brazil and Portugal”

Dr. Nelson Martins, Minister of Health, joined Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Rio de Janeiro for the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health, held 19-21 of October 2011, to express determination to achieve social and health equity through action on social determinants of health and well-being by a comprehensive intersectoral approach.

The conference brought together over 1000 participants representing more than 124 WHO Member States and a diverse group of stakeholders. The key message addressed by all in the “Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health” was that of a health equity being a shared responsibility which requires the engagement of all sectors of government, of all segments of society, and of all members of the international community. Representatives of Governments committed themselves to strive individually and collectively to develop and support policies, strategies, programmes and action plans, which address social determinants of health.

When asked about the relevance of this World Conference to Timor-Leste, Minister Nelson Martins replied “our country deals regularly with several determinants of health which constitutes a barrier to pursue of better health for the Timorese people”. He added further that “the long journey to Rio de Janeiro was all worthwhile as the health sector is essential to sustainable development of any country, in particular for a young country like Timor-Leste… health must be at the heart of every institutional setting and included in every sector’s political agenda. The biggest challenge I face as a Minister is how to ensure that the increased General State Budget or donor funding for the health services are complemented by harmonized initiatives from other social, cultural and economic tiers of the state to allow for a sustainable development of our country”.
The last day of the Conference was concluded with an Extraordinary Meeting of Ministers of Health of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP). The main objective was to update country members on the progress made to the Strategic Plan for Cooperation in Health 2009-2012 or PECS/CPLP (Plano Estratégico de Cooperação em Saúde), of which Timor-Leste has been benefiting greatly in the area of Human Resources Development.

Minister Martins stopped in Portugal on the way back to Dili from Brazil for a two days visit, following from an invitation of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, an important development partner from Portugal which has been supporting training of Nurses and Midwives in Timor-Leste through the former Institute of Health Science (now National Health Institute). Soon after landing in Lisbon, a busy schedule awaited the delegation, including a meeting with Timorese Medical Students in Lisbon and also another meeting arrange by Timorese Student Association in Coimbra, a courtesy meeting with the Minister of Health of Portugal and a visit to the Institute of Health Technologies in Lisbon, followed by a presentation to students and health researchers on the importance of evidence based research for development of policies and decision-making in health related issues.

While in Portugal, His Excellency Dr. Nelson Martins was happy to learn that many Timorese students are committed to return back to work in Timor-Leste after they finish their university studies. As the Minister learned during the visit “Portugal offers very good study opportunities to Health Professionals and after meeting their Minister of Health, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the School of Health Technology I believe we can really strengthen our cooperation in the areas of continuous education for nurses, midwives, health technicians like laboratory, pharmacists and radiologists, as well as in medical specializations”. The Portuguese counterparts presented their interest in contributing towards the implementation the National Health Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2030, in sharing their different areas of expertise in health policy and regulation, research and training capacity.

Overall, the trip was a success and it is important now that continued relations with the Timorese Students and the Portuguese institutions are strengthened to allow for exchange of knowledge and experiences. Lastly, with regards to lessons learnt from the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health, full implementation of the Development Strategic Plan 2030 will testify the Government commitment towards a sustainable and healthier Timor-Leste.