Thursday, August 11, 2011

Malta Intrega Ekipamentus Saude ba MS

Embassador Order Malta intrega ekipamentusa Saúde ba Ministeriu Saúde liu husi Vise Ministra Saúde Madalena Hanjam .
Kuarta feira 10 Agustu 2011 Ministeriu da Saúde liu Vice Ministra Saúde hetan apoiu husi Governu Malta liu husi ninia embasador iha timor leste, Apoiu sira ne’e mak hanesan ekipamentus Ospitais, liu-liu ba Apoiu Saúde Maternu Imfantil nian ne’ebé foka liu ba kuidadu tersiaria.

Entretantu Embassador Malta ba Jornalista sira hateten sira parte kontente tebes bele fo doasaun ida ne’e ba ministeriu Saúde, Ida ne’e hanesan ekipamentus Saúde ba labarik nian hodi tulun labarik sira iha Ospital ne’ebé presija tebes ita nia Ajuda.

Iha parte seluk Vice Ministra Saúde iha fatin hanesan realsa katak doasaun ida ne’e ministeriu Saúde mak husu duni hodi apoiu ba pediatria, Nenatolozia iha Ospital. hodi nune’e bele apoia ba labarik sira ne’ebé moras nune’e bele hatun tasa mortalidade oan iha timor leste.

Madalena mos hatuir katak” ekipamentus hotu ne’ebé foin intrega dadaun sei haruka hotu ba Ospital Baucau, hanesan prioridade tamba realidade hatudu katak Ospital Baucau tenki kobre Distritu tolu, Baucau rasik, Viqueque, no Lospalos bebe barak mos moras iha ne’ebá no ekipamentus atu apoiu ba servisu sira ne’e mos minimu. Nune’e nia parte agradese tebes ba Doasaun ne’e no fiar katak sei iha apoiu seluk iha future.

Partisipa iha serimonia handing Over ekipamentus Saúde ne’e mak, Vice Ministra Saúde Madalena Hanjam, Embassador Order Malta ba Timor leste, Direktor Geral no Prezidenti konsellu Administrasaun SAMES, Diretora Nasional Ospitalar no Inkaminhamentu MS, inklui mos staf ministeriu Saúde balun no SAMES.

Embassador Order Malta intrega ekipamentusa Saúde ba Ministeriu Saúde liu husi Vise Ministra Saúde Madalena Hanjam .
Kuarta feira 10 Agustu 2011 Ministeriu da Saúde liu Vice Ministra Saúde hetan apoiu husi Governu Malta liu husi ninia embasador iha timor leste, Apoiu sira ne’e mak hanesan ekipamentus Ospitais, liu-liu ba Apoiu Saúde Maternu Imfantil nian ne’ebé foka liu ba kuidadu tersiaria.

Entretantu Embassador Malta ba Jornalista sira hateten sira parte kontente tebes bele fo doasaun ida ne’e ba ministeriu Saúde, Ida ne’e hanesan ekipamentus Saúde ba labarik nian hodi tulun labarik sira iha Ospital ne’ebé presija tebes ita nia Ajuda.

Iha parte seluk Vice Ministra Saúde iha fatin hanesan realsa katak doasaun ida ne’e ministeriu Saúde mak husu duni hodi apoiu ba pediatria, Nenatolozia iha Ospital. hodi nune’e bele apoia ba labarik sira ne’ebé moras nune’e bele hatun tasa mortalidade oan iha timor leste.

Madalena mos hatuir katak” ekipamentus hotu ne’ebé foin intrega dadaun sei haruka hotu ba Ospital Baucau, hanesan prioridade tamba realidade hatudu katak Ospital Baucau tenki kobre Distritu tolu, Baucau rasik, Viqueque, no Lospalos bebe barak mos moras iha ne’ebá no ekipamentus atu apoiu ba servisu sira ne’e mos minimu. Nune’e nia parte agradese tebes ba Doasaun ne’e no fiar katak sei iha apoiu seluk iha future.

Partisipa iha serimonia handing Over ekipamentus Saúde ne’e mak, Vice Ministra Saúde Madalena Hanjam, Embassador Order Malta ba Timor leste, Direktor Geral no Prezidenti konsellu Administrasaun SAMES, Diretora Nasional Ospitalar no Inkaminhamentu MS, inklui mos staf ministeriu Saúde balun no SAMES.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Summary – Sydney Medical School – Timor Leste Projects

Key partners/collaborators

·         Timor Leste Ministry of Health
·         Dili National Hospital Guido Valadares (and District Refferal Hospitals)
·         WHO
·         Timor Leste National Laboratory, Dili
·         National University Timor Lorosae (UNTL) – new collaboration
·         Health Alliance International
·         St John of God
·         Order of Malta

Existing Programs

1.      Building  critical care workforce capacity via a professional development training collaboration (Kirsty Foster/Dilhani Bandaranayake)
This health education collaboration was establihed in 2008 between Sydney Medical School and the Ministry of Health to build critical care/emergency workforce capacity in Timor Leste. A multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurse and educators from Sydney Medical School, Northem Clinical School, Sydney Nursing School and ICU at Royal North Shore Hospital are involved in the program. We have run for critical care workshop, two “train-the-trainer” education session and three follow up “on the job” training days in Timor Leste to date.

Lates update:

May/June 2011 – 4th practical based critical care skills workshop run at Dili National Hospital Guido Valadares. The workshop was for 8 staff from HNGV, 5 ambulance staff from the ambulance service and 5 health staff from two of the Dili District Community Health Centre. This was the first time that a combined workshop was carried out and was extremely successful.

2.      Ala funded Timor Leste Health Leadership Program (Dilhani Bandaranayake)

Supported through AusAID and Sydney Medical School, the Office for Global Health is providing leadership training to Timor Leste’s health-related professionals. The inaugural cohort of six Timorese –related professionals participated as Fellows in the program in 2009. With continuing support from AusAid, a new cohort of 10 Timorese Fellows is participating in the health leadership program in 2011. The Fellows is July and each one has and individualized 12 week program develop for them. H.E. Mr. Miles Armitage, Australian Ambassador to Timor Leste, held a formal reception at his residence in Dili for Sydney Medical School’s Timor Leste Health Leadership Program Fellows on 17th May 2011. The reception was attended by the new cohort of 10 Timorese Fellows, alumni from 2009 inaugural cohort, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Health, AusAID, WHO, Health Alliance International and the University of Sydney.

3.      Building the capacity of the National Laboratory to undertake communicable disease surveillance in Timor Leste (Peter McMinn)

The objective of this project is to build the capacity of the National Laboratory in the identification of communicable disease pathogens of national, regional and global significance. The project twins the National Laboratory with the laboratories of Sydney Medical School and associated teaching hospital and public health laboratories at the University of Sydney. The National Laboratory is responsible for surveillance, investigation and research on communicable disease in Timor Leste. By enabling the NL to access the expertise of the clinical, research and diagnostic microbiology laboratories at Usyd, this twinning project will equip the NL with the expertise to implement effective laboratory surveillance for major communicamble disease threats in Timor Leste.

The Preject Leader at Sydney University is Prof Peter McMinn who did a scoping visit to Timor leste in 2010. Funding for this laboratory twinning project is provided by WHO.

Lates update:

June 2011 – Peter McMinn is currently in Dili and has just completed a parasitology “train-the-trainer” course at the National Public Health Laboratory.

4.      Primary Health Care collaboration (Lyndal Trevena)
Lynda Trevena has been collaborating closely with the Dr. Nelson Martins to review data from the Servisu Integrado Saude Communitaire (SISCa) program in Timor Leste. The Timorese Ministry of Health has prioritized this program which means “Integrated Health Services at the Community Level” in order to bring services and health promotion information to people who otherwise have little contact with the formal health system. The SISCa program is an effort to connect the government health system with rural communities, and to give communities responsibility for assuring that care is available and accessible. SISCa events revolve around a “Six Table Assistance System” consisting of 1) population registration, 2) nutrition assistance, 3) maternal and child health, 4) personal hygiene and sanitation, 5) health care service, and 6) health education. A joint publication has been sumitted to the Lancet.

5.      Sydney Medical School Students (Scholarship and electives)

The two Timor Leste student studying Medicine under the Sydney Medical School sponsored scholarship program are the entering third year of the Medical program (Noeno and Diana)

Interviews are being undertaken for Timorese applicants for the 2012 program.

In aadition, a number of our Medical Students have undertaken or will be undertaking electives with some of our key partners in Timor-Leste, particularly with the National Hospital in Dili, Community Health Centres and the Klibur Domin facility.

New collaboration

National University Timor Lorosae MOU
An MOU has been signed between National University Timor Lorosae (UNTL) and the University of Sydney. Sydney Medical School is one of the faculties supporting the MOU. The other two faculties are the Arts and Education and Social Work. There is a strong interest from all three faculties to establish research, teaching and learning links with UNTL. The Rector of UNTL visited USYD on 6th July to sign the MOU and meet with the representatives from the Faculties.

Other News

·         Adjunct Professorship – We have recommended Dr. Nelson Martins (Minister of Health) for an Adjunct Professorship with the University of Sydney. The recommendation is currently with the Senate.

·         Timor Leste Fund – discussions underway to establish a Timor Leste Fund within Sydney Medical School. A business case is currently being developed.

·         Sydney Nursing School are developing a partnership with Mary McKillop Foundation to train Community Health workers in Timor Leste (Dr. John Grootjans)

·         Endeavour Executive Awards – Two Sydney Medical School Staff received Endeavour Executive Awards in 2009 and 2011 to work in Timor Leste, Dr Dilhani Bandaranayake (2009) and Associate Professor Lyndal Trevena (2011).

·         School of Public Health are involve in developing a nutrition program in Timor Leste with UNICEF and AusAID (Dr Mu Li)

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


Carissimo Director Geral, Directores Saude Komuitaria
Chefes departementus no staff
Carissimo konvidadus sira

Bondia ba imi hotu.

Uluk nanain hau agredese ba konvite ne’ebé itabot sira hato’o mai hau hodi mai koalia iha workshop ida ne’e. Workshop ida ne’e ho tema “Preparasaun Dezemvolvementu Proposta ba Ronde 11 Orsamentu Fundo Global”.  Hau kontente ho tema ne’ebé itabot sira tau iha ne’e.  Workshop ida ne’e ho ninia objektivu importante atu oinsa Timor-Leste bele halo preparasaun ida di’ak ba applikasaun grant TB ba Round 11th.

Senhor e senhoras,

TB sei kontinua sai problema saude importante ba ita nia populasaun iha ita nia nasaun Timor-Leste. Iha regiaun Sudeste Aziatiku, prevalencia TB Timor-Leste nian maka aas liu entre nasaun 11 ne’ebé halo parte regiaun ida ne’e. 

Ita agredese tebes ba perceirus desenvolvementu ne’ebé tau atensaun makas ba esforsu atu kontrola moras TB iha ita nia nasaun hanesan Fundo Global ne’ebé agora fo dadauk ninia apoiu ba programas HIV/SIDA, TB no malaria. Ho apoiu financeira husi Fundo Global nian Ministeriu da Saude regista progressu signifikante iha esforsu ba kontrolo moras tolu HIV/SIDA, TB no Malaria ne’ebé sai ameasa boot ba huminadade. Iha kontrolo TB, Ministeriu de Saude nia esforsu komesa hatudu ona rezultadu di’ak,  Iha progresu barak, iha tinan 2009 programa TB konsege detekta kaju to’o 75% no rezultadu tratamentu atinje 85% no iha tinan 2010 konsege atinje deteksaun kaju 92% no susesu tratamentu 87%. Atinjimentu iha tinan rua ne’ebé ita refere hatudu esforsu makas husi program TB nian, maibe ita konta mos ho kontribuisaun husi programa SISCa ne’ebé implementa durante governasaun 4 Governu Konstitusional nian. Ho SISCa ita habelar assessu assistencia saude ba ita nia populasaun iha teritoriu tomak inklui sira ne’ebé hetan moras TB. Ho SISCa ita komesa muda ita nia approximasaun ba deteksaun kazu TB husi “passive case finding” ba “active case finding” hodi nune ita bele hadi’ak liu tan ita nia Case notification rate. 

Senhor e senhoras.

Ita, Timor-Leste, ita konsege atinji ona Case Notification rate no Cure Rate ne’ebé tuir WHO nia rekomendasaun. Ne’e suksesu ida ba ita nia esforsu, maibe ida ne’e laos razaun ba ita senti kontenti ho atinjimentu ida ne’e, ida ne’e tenki sai hanesan faktor stimulante ida ba ita atu kontinua hakas an nafatin atu kontrola TB iha Timor-Leste, ita so bele senti orgulho ba ita nia servisu wainhira ita nia servisu rezulta iha moras TB la sai tan problema saude publika ba ita nia populasaun. Ita so bele atinji objektivu ida ne’e enkuatu ita fiar no implementa didi’ak DOTS no Stop TB strategy.

Senhor e senhoras,
Dezafiu boot ba ita nia esforsu ba HIV-TB no MDR-TB nian maka oinsa pessoal de saude sira liuliu agente TB nian tenki servisu makas liu tan para atu prevene expansaun kazu HIV-TB no MDR-TB liu tratamentu ida ne’ebé adequadu. Atu asegura ida ne’e, ita tenki garante katak aimoruk TB nian ne’ebé ita sosa tenki iha kualidade duni. Ita tenki trata kazu sira ne’ebé tuir padraun ne’ebé ita iha tiha ona.

Senhor e senhoras, 

Hare husi objektivu ida ne’e, hau espera workshop loron rua ne’e, imi bele revé fila fali Strategia Programa TB, halo analize ba situasaun Aktual Programa TB. Ho ida ne’e bele ajuda identifika “gaps” iha programa TB nian no define areas prioritarius ba program TB nian iha Timor-Leste. Ida ne’e importante tebes atu sai hanesan baze argumentu importante ba ita atu kompete fila fali iha TB grant Round 11th. Hau nia mensagem maka ne’e, ita hotu hotu tenki servisu makas, servisu em parceria, kolabora malu ho di’ak para ita bele manan TB grant ba Round 11th hodi reforsa nafatin implementasaun programa TB iha Timor-Leste.
Ikus liu, hau hato’o bom suksessu ba workshop ida ne’e
Obrigado wain